Final Project Documentation

Interdisciplinary Project Winter Semester 2018/2019 Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences FabLab Kamp-Lintfort

Group:Fabrication for Care

Week 11:

Process of Final Project


The project Fabrication for Care is focus on core activities,using methods for assistive care, by developing different technologies via solving real problems.The main objectives of the course is to provide a care for any individual by producing and modelling unique devices assisting the human intervention.The group had learned how to deal with creating assistive devices prototypes in order to help people with disabilities and different diseases.

In this order,each member of the group form a teams in which each individual become with an idea for developing a project depending on various types of care for the people.In the entire semester of the Interdisciplinary project ,we had learned how to deal with different softwares,how to use the machines in the Fablab which are providing for us and gain knowledge and skills how to put them in usage in order to create something.The available techniques and machines which the workshop use are 3D printing,3D scanning, Laser cutting,Knitting machine,etc.

The idea for the Final Project

After,forming a groups,me and one of my collegue decide to go down in cooperation in order to create our project named Supportive circulation compression socks with pressure and inflatable function.This idea was inspired by the fact that a lot of people have problems with the circulation in the blood pressure causing the veins in the legs.This diseases can be caused by the various unfavorable circumstances.For example,unhealthy style of eating,cigarettes,alcohol,etc.

This project have the purpose to support these people and help them to prevent to minimum the problems which can occur in their daily activities, via creating assistive devices. Our goal for the project is to help our relatives which have problems with the legs, concerning bad circulation of the blood and a diseased venous system , accompanied by aches and pains.

Meanwhile,we do an research and we figure out that this compression socks are already existing.The function of this socks are made by a special elastic lycra material and they are really tight, which on the other hand helps the circulation of blood.Therefore, we decide to make an improvement of this socks, by making them much more useful and helpful, choosing an extension, including pressure and inflatable function.

The process of Compression socks/How they work?

Compression stockings are a specialized hosiery designed to help prevent the occurrence of, and guard against further progression of, venous disorders such as edema, phlebitis and thrombosis. Compression therapy helps decrease venous pressure, prevents venous stasis and impairments of venous walls, and relieves heavy and aching legs. Unlike traditional dress or athletic stockings and socks, compression stockings use stronger elastics to create significant pressure on the legs, ankles and feet. Compression stockings are tightest at the ankles and gradually become less constrictive toward the knees and thighs. By compressing the surface veins, arteries and muscles, they force circulating blood through narrower channels. As a result, the arterial pressure is increased, which causes more blood to return to the heart and less blood to pool in the feet.

These are one of the compression socks which are offered and available in the market.In this picture is shown the socks which are wearing under the knee and also there is exisiting over the knee as well,depending on the place which are caused the problem.



Inflatable process function

In order to improve and to make more efficient the treatment of compression socks,we decide to make an extension or an assistive device itself,which have an inflatable pressure function having a massage effect,which on the other hand by pumping on the leg provide a fast circulation of the blood.The prototype will work by stepping or walking on the surface, will push with an open canal into the upper bandage by pumping the leg under the knee.This project is done with no electricity or battery.

Process development of the project

  • Step 4:Next step is to put the sponges,one of materials which we use in order to avoid using the electricity,into the vinyl.The role of the sponges is to produce an air pumping so that pressure bt stepping makes air into the inflatable.They was carefully cutted into one of our feet sizes and then adjusted.
  • Step 5: The sponges has to be fixed together,because they was made by many layers,in order to to give much more air pressure through the channel into the inflatable.We use a tape in order to fix them ,which this by itself will help to do not be splitted after putting them on the surface of the vinyl.
  • Step 6:After that the pattern for the inflatable in the air area was cutted and fixed to the vinyl.
  • Step 7:The vinyl has to be soldered into the pressing machine with an heating approximatelly 150 Degree in order to fix the material.This step is in really important matter and has to be done carefully.In order to do this we had to put the pattern together into the double sided vinyl and to fix it in order to do not appear air anywhere in the inflatable.First we,put the prepared vinyl into the pressing machine after that we control the temperature,and finally we put the baking paper on the surface of the vinyl and we press it for around 15 sec.After that,the ready inflatable is put out from the machine carefully because it is a still hot material and after waiting 5 sec.we remove the folio on the surface and the inflatable is ready for usage.
  • Step 8:Next step consist of fixing the sponge into the downer part of the vinyl whre the foot is laying.We do this by using an iron and heating gun in order to close all possible air coming conditions inside the vinyl,it has to be carefully closed inside the material.After that we try it,and the inflatable was successfully working,by pressing the sponge.
  • Step 9:In order to fix the inflatable on the leg,we decide to put the double sticky tape by stitching it in the material.At first we choose a fabric in which we transfer the pattern inside it by using a sewing machine.The aim of this was to cover the inflatable to make an nice design.In addition,when this was done the last step was to sew the double sticky tape on the fabric.
  • The final product was successfully finished and it was working.There was not appearing any problems and the inflatable was pumping.As was discussed it has tested by our group and it has actually a good massage efect and the pumping obviously will help for the circulation of the blood,as well as just an relaxing teraphy for the tired legs.In addition,the combination with the compression socks the effect will be more effective and helpful.